where the hell is my leather shorts?

Still looking, stupid me there was these perfect ones at gina tricot a long time ago.. but that was a long time ago so.. please bring 'em back. seems to be a common thing to match it w a sriped shirt btw
jak & jil. caroline winberg and elin kling look alike made by karolina skande.
most wanted summer hits
I'm so glad I bought that beige dress from H&M this spring cuz' it's identical w the one on the left (ph1), w a pair of great heels the outfit's complete. since I have to prioritize this summer bc of my economy (DEPP MODE) there's just some things left that I want bfore i'm satisfied. A pair of leather shorts, patterned harems, a new pair of nude colored pumps and a simple oversized dress in a bright rare color that i havent figured out yet.
pictures via elin kling
I want to redo my small room at my parents place, 'cuz I'm boored. So I'm gonna remove som stuff and buy some new things.. the room is already white w white furnitures so I'll steal som insipration from these fabulous pictures (unfortunately my room will never look like these)
painted love

this is so cool! I want it too! Too bad my hair's too dark... There's only a matter of time til' some gorgeous blonde like rebecca simonsson tries it out. Or like alessandra said to me a long time ago, elin kling (which I never thought would happen) we'll see who'll be first. (and I've been nagging on jenny for weeks now since she's a blonde but she refuses)
denim, leather, miu miu, poncho's, dirt, furrr california vs europe

sources: src783, knightcat, lovemore, lefashion, fashiontoast.
Hanneli knows
I'm gonna cut off the shoulders on my denim shirt and wear my white sports brah w my creme colored garden high waisted shorts. Not to mention the turban that I've been chasing for weeks now, hope at least sthlm can deliver one.. heard there's a place here called hattbaren, have to check it out.
Nina Ricci

and spring 2009

when I visited sthlm i bought a long skirt or is it called maxi skirt maybe? anyway.. when I bought it I had difficulties knowing what to wear with it but then i found these pictures which gave me someting to think about.

i've been looking for a simple shirt like this for weeks now, i want it in another color tho'.. like in cognac or something.. but they're hiding from me those bastards. have to search through some vintage shiet i think
petit colibri (and todays insp)

1. emsedge 2. amluls case 3. tee 4. beautiful face 5. wildfox 6. fashiontoast 6. fashion chalet 7. vanessa paradis by karl lagerfeld in factory story 8, 9 and 10. erin heatherton by derek kettela in lady barcelona
today when logged on to spotify i found my friend jenny's playlists, whence she had saved an album named disque d'or from a group called vive la fête and i had never heard of them so i listened to some tracks and i loved it! so here's the first track from the album called petit colibri (a teaser) (and warning: if you don't like tiga, name the pet or french you should'nt press play)
a piece of cake
I love what she's wearing.

nadia (frouu) and chloe

I would like to have..

all of it! and what's up w the "pocket-flask"? it seems to appear everywhere especially when me and melinda was visiting urban outfitters last month.. maybe I'll buy one and use it to refresh our travels on our bikes at night.. it'll be at least a more classy way to bring refreshments. pictures from anywho
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me

christine centenera knows how to dress for sure, the nr one style icon at the moment (accordning to me). If we could be best friends some day... we could go shopping together.
since I can't let go of spring

This is exactly the things that I want to wear this spring! If my dream will be fulfilled I'll be more than happy my friends! GOSH it's beautiful! xx/S
loves it

fishbone braid.

Today I feel like insp

1: I adore this whole outfit big time
2: rings from fashionsquad
3: nyc
4: tattoos
5: Another outfit I love
6: Rebecca and Fiona w LP's