New apt

I have moved to my own apt, feels great. I'm alot closer to school and friends. Internet started working yesterday that's why updating has been awful. Love/Sara

Alessandra Maria in traffic....lights..




sarasarasarasarasarasarasara sarasarasarasarasarasarasara

saturday night dinner w mama kaz

Budget shopping! Thank god for christmas sale!

Yes it's hard times now. No money no nothing. But since I had 500:- left from Rome i decided to spend them on something new to wear. Alessandra knows how much I once wanted a pair of high wasted jeans, ever since i first saw her black ones from Gina Tricot in august. I finally found the perfect pair at Weekday's sale for 200:-, I also bought this knitwear from Zara for 249:- and a tee from monkey for 50:-.

Everything for only 500:- , I'm so proud of myself but yes I'm broke now. Nuff said.



I'm back from Rome and It feels awful

It has been a great trip! And you can see bc of my outdoor wearing what kind of weather we had! So you can just imagine the difference, supercold sweden :( And Alessandra please upload a picture on your new years eve dress asap! I'm so curious!

Love from Sara

And I'm off to Roma! Packing my stuff and bought new boots from Zara.

I'm not gonna bring my computer w/ me so Alessandra is taking care of you while I'm gone :)


There is alot of white items in my closet? And I don't even wear it. Well not that much?


I change shapes just to hide in this place but I'm still an animal

Last night my best friend saved my life

My whole outfit's from Gina Tricot except for the shoes, they're from Din Sko, Bag from Jimmy Choo by H&M, My friend Camilla had a dress from H&M Divided exclusive and shoes also from Din Sko


I'm wearing these tights tmrw. Stay tuned my loved ones. xx/Sara

final + red wine + red lips + saturday

I'm wearing my new jumpsuit from Jimmy Choo by H&M, My handbag is also from Jimmy Choo by H&M and my accessories are from New Yorker, H&M, Ur & Penn and Los Angeles. Shoes from Zara.


American Apparel

I finally had the chance to wear my new body from AA, what do you think? Was it too much considering my boobs?


Me wearing her gorgeus necklace


Wednesday night. The sound of our shoes.

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