gone w the wind


ph1. grandma ph2. cousins at aunties place ph3. iran ph4. dad ph5. uncle ph6 livingroom

hemma hos

ph. private

N° 2



can someone please show me how to make polaroid pictures out of your own?



remember this picture? It's taken in december when I was visiting sthlm for xmas. I like it, makes me wanna grab a redbull vodka and paint my nails red. An have fun of course.


knitwear from monki, photos inspired by alma


We went to see sex and the city 2 today, me and aless... marvelous movie I tell u! had no expectations at all so the result was better than I thought. There was this huge jungle of women in the theatre too, and they were dressed up from top to toe, very  nice view to behold. The city was alive. Go see it asap. Pictures are taken before and after the show. Aless had her new blazer from H&M and I was sporting my new long skirt.

(and I know that girls usually drink cocktails after a movie like that but we felt more like being unglamourus this time.. so we grabbed a beer..we think it's the new black ;)


outdoor girls

alessandra: vintage blazer, din sko, sunnies from lindex and scarf unknown, earring home made
sara: gina tricot harems, monki shirt, american apparel top and vintage belt, shoes from asos, rings from H&M

un chapeau, deux chemises

me and aless took some photos in a park we found. her hat is from H&M, her dress is from H&M, my dress is from asos and the purple shirt is from monki, her shirt is unknown.



1. reading 2. aless and jen 3. america 4. gift from mina 5. my first glass of rose this year

alessandra's tuesday

the blazer belongs to her mom, shoes from din sko and the bag is vintage

friday night

beautiful girls and me went out yesterday, we had loads of drinks, good company and a hell of a night... as usual when i'm here.

it's the sound of my shoes

dress from H&M, top from Zara, pants from Gina, blazer from Lindex and pumps from Asos


yesterday was our last performance w the theatre followed by dinner, singing and of course dancing. I'm gonna miss my peeps even tho' they're so close. No more rehearsals this spring. We had a blast yesterday all of us.


I've been spending over 12 h w my soulmate aless today. We were suppose to study but we all know what really happened.. tmrw is a new day right.



I'm starting to miss my hometown a little.. until then there's some pictures from my visits there during last semester we can look at...  xx

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