new blog

since me and aless don't run this blog together anymore and I started to be tired of, I moved to instead under a different name

you'll now find me here


lunatics and beauty w/ cigarettes and coffee

ph1/2/3 hypergalaxy ph4/5/6 ilovewildfox ph7 ph8/9/10 tfs ph11/12 sarah hermans

I'm not alone - Calvin Harris DM remix

Cristina Tosio, Elle Spain May 2010 by Mario Sierra

where the hell is this place? this editorial is stunning!! i die!


tired, homesick and nauseous



I'm sick of cleaning the apt, I just want to go home now.. my train leaves at 05.20 am tmrw.. not so cool.. at least there's no change of trains. God I'm dying.


hypergalaxy and a patch of skye

like a prayer

luminary ones

Rebecca & Fiona - Luminary Ones from Pope Records on Vimeo.


rebecca and fiona released their first single yesterday. and I like it.

this is really something


that ring would fit perfect w a nice maxi dress and a cool brimmer or something, and I want that haircolor this summer! It's like two colors looks kind of messy I find it beautiful. And does anyone know where to find a pair of sunglasses like these? I wonder if I should buy a flower to my apt, a flower that looks a little bit like signes. But I always manage to kill those poor plants. The last outfit is to D I E for.. very inspiring, i'll take out my grey harems and the lightest heeals i have, dunno what to do about that cognac colored scarf but we'll figure something out.

and melody gardot is really something.


1. Karen 2. fashiontoast 3. lefashion. signe siemsen 4. anywho

Marion Cotillard 'La vie en rose

have to see this movie, marion seems to fit perfectly as edith piaf, got an oscar for it too.


Ph1. by Rob Kulisek . Ph2. by Magnus Magnusson. Ph3. by Pamela Bellafesta (source: signe siemsen) ph. 4/5 polkadots and vodkashots ph 6/7/8 hypergalaxy ph.9/10/11/12 wildfox


1. juergen teller 2. viktor vauthier 3. yvan rodic 4. stekepanne erichsen 5. juergen teller 8. steven meisel 9. polkadots and vodkashots 10. me in spain 06

think pink

source: ? maybe polkadots and vodkashots

Aless is going to poland for the weekend w her fokes.. I'm jealous I wanna go overseas too.. can imagine that the weather is better over there, hope she'll take alot of pictures and upload them on her blog.

guy bourdin polaroids

sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare?

alessandra and jenny left me alone here in this lonely but yet a bright city full of nothing. the last thing we talked about was actually this beautiful country of ours. and we thought about the fact that we could have a much better weather issue if only Adad could be our friend too. what if sweden was sweden but w at least 7 or 10 degrees more hottish? Maybe it would've been look like it does in these pictures.. despite the fact that these are from new orleans, a land that seems so far away from here right now. pictures from karen and knightkat.

xx and Love/Sara

finding neverland

I watched this incredible movie yesterday. I saw it ages ago and I didn't remember how good it was. If you haven't seen it yet... then do so!!!

the perfect balcony

this is what I want to behold outside my window next year.


pictures from coachella in california

xx -Sara



cleopatra haircuts. bangs. livingroom. greenhouse. beauty. pulp. che. michelle. bath. movie. broken embraces. love. hunger. laleh. soltane ghalbha. shah. ayatolla.

Angel-A (it's difficult to love yourself.)

there's no turning back

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