keep me on, don't switch me off

we're going out tnite again and I'm all psyched up for once! let's do this and may god be w me on scandals tnite cuz' this city has been standin' still for weeks now.

suddenly yvan rodic made my hometown look interesting, I miss it sometimes... but not that often.


notice the safety pins on alessandras shoulder, she bought a bunch for me too so it's just a matter of time until i find something to put them on.
harem pants from weekday, blouse from monki and shoes from zara

we're going out tnite... yesterday was a freakin' disaster.. nuff said about that.
To comfort my loneliness in this shitty place i ordered a pair of black pumps and a grey maxi dress.. i'll show u when they arrive as usual.

1,2,3,4 - Nadine's Valentino
5 - Me and Mina at babel (i think?)
6 - New Years at charlotte's
7 - Sara
now i die

chloë in wonderland

Chloë Sevigny – Harper’s Bazaar Russia, april 2010
A le mode

did u know that sweet alessandra has her very own blog now? you can visit her at i hope she'll still write something here every once in awhile, she's always welcome to do so. xx

I hope I'll dream about a white dress and that I'll look loke penelope while i'm dating johnny.. let's keep our hopes up for that, shall we?

Pictures taken by Yvan Rodic. Let's not forget about these wonderful euoropean cities filled w art and fashion and many other wonderful things.

I forgot to show u a picture from the dinner me and Aless had the other day, we ate pork tenderloin w rise and béarnaise sauce.. and salad of course. Then we had some french red wine and let's not forget the jazz music. I love evenings like that.

What's on my mind

1: Stockholm
2: A love toast
3: Smoke
4: Emo
5: Gareth Pugh
6 and 7: Henryk Lobaczewski
8: Trinidad
9: San Fransisco Jan- 09 photo taken by me
10: Dad + Golden gate bridge
11: Me + Paris in 2005
12: Knitwear from H&M trend
13: fab legs from dolce
Press play

I'm considering this outfit for the upcoming party. What do u think? Simple but still sexy right?
St Patrick's Day Gasque


it can't be easier than this. If the time is right when spring arrives i'll def. steal some insp from this collection.
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me

christine centenera knows how to dress for sure, the nr one style icon at the moment (accordning to me). If we could be best friends some day... we could go shopping together.
If we look up the word perfect.. we'll find swedish girls

Picture 1&2 - Margarita Maiseyenka
Picture 3 - Caroline Winberg
Picture 4 - Elsa Hosk
Picture 5 - Frida
Picture 6- Izabella Scorupco
what if u ended up like...

Monica Zetterlund

both me and Alessandra are huge fan's of this incredible woman, we can sit for hours listening to jazz and drink red wine.

My one and only thrill

I want it all! Especially the pants on picture nr 2. Alessandra knows, imagine them w these gorgeus shoes. fab fab fab
i die

jag vill måla även mina läppar svarta
since I can't let go of spring

This is exactly the things that I want to wear this spring! If my dream will be fulfilled I'll be more than happy my friends! GOSH it's beautiful! xx/S
I'll give u something to think about.

I've been trying to study today, sometimes I wonder if studying really is my thing.. and if it's not what else is there for me? well this girl wont give up.
xx - S

vill ha
If the stars were mine I'd give them all to you.

My head has been filled w love today. And as u can see we're not talking about any kind of love, we're talking about the impossible one. much. I miss you.

hur vill ni vara klädda så fort solen tittar fram?

loves it

fishbone braid.


Oh, and btw! I found my Wang bag.. I ordered it today so you'll see it as soon as it gets here. Peace/S

vilken underbar tatuering. jag dör inombords!
jag känner en sten i mitt hjärta när jag tänker på att jag egentligen inte alls vill ha något printat på min kropp.
h. love m.

Today I feel like insp

1: I adore this whole outfit big time
2: rings from fashionsquad
3: nyc
4: tattoos
5: Another outfit I love
6: Rebecca and Fiona w LP's

/ a.

My visit in sthlm did not just include a lot of party and spending time w friends, some shopping occurred too of course, didn't find much stuff tho', I was in need of a new bag.. Alessandra encouraged me to find an Alexander Wang inspired one.. but I came back empty handed.. almost.. I found this white blouse at Monkey, I think i'ts the same as Jenny's new one, so now we have the same one he he. Not sure if it's the right size but since I like it when it's a little bit over sized I picked out a size M. I also found this blue tiny knitwear thing but I'm not sure if I want to keep it. I'll probably never use it here. And then we have these lovely new earrings too from Gina Tricot. xx

Yesterday and the week b4 that I celebrated my bday, we were at my apt last week in H-town and yesterday in my parents place here in sthlm, after having a good meal we went to berns where I shook hands w sebastian ingrosso himelf! That was like the coolest thing ever! Thanks to Mina he gave me he's best wishes.. the night was fulfilled! Thank you everyone!

Today's my birthday and the girls are coming over for dinner at my place tnite.
American Apparel vol. 2

This treasure from AA fits w a nice pair of harems.. I think I like them without the pants too.. Love/S
I totally forgot... show u my new coat from asos